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About Us

Founded in 2020, Checkmate Tattoo Care is a company that is passionate about bringing top quality products to our Tattoo industry. All our products are hand made in the UK with the finest 100% natural ingredients sealed in our tins of Tattoo care. We have thought about every aspect of our products with the artist in mind and also the client.
In our products we have antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties making Checkmate products not only perfect for the Tattoo process but also the healing. As an artist for almost 10 years, I have always been passionate about giving my clients the best I can, from the Tattoo, to the products I use on them. When I started Checkmate Tattoo Care I made a promise to myself that I will not produce anything I wouldn’t use and after being involved with many artists and companies we are confident that you will love our products, our prices, our scents and our overall outcome.
We are constantly expanding our community, through our supported artists group where we help upcoming artists improve and get better to our sponsored artists where we have (in my opinion) some of the absolute best in different genres of Tattooing.

If you would like to find out any more information or have any questions please personally contact me so I can be of assistance to you, check our “contact us” page for more information.

